Year 1: count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.In England, children will be expected to know the following in each year at primary school: When does my child need to know their times tables? As they grow older, knowing the times tables will help them with everyday activities like shopping, budgeting and cooking. These skills will help them to master key concepts and move quickly through more complex maths problems with confidence.Ī thorough knowledge of multiplication and division facts will help children succeed in their tests at the end of primary school and set them up for success at secondary school. Practising times tables also helps children to understand number and number relationships, and to see patterns in numbers. When children know their times tables, mental arithmetic becomes easier. Why is it important for my child to know the times tables? Here, we’ve pulled together key information about how times tables are taught at primary school along with our pick of activities to help make learning times tables fun for your child. It will boost your child’s confidence in their maths lessons at school, but it’s also a skill they’ll use all the time in the world outside school. Learning times tables off by heart makes mental maths much easier.