Collaborated workflow provides a seamless experience for users.Stock photos are also available for use in your projects.Office Online features provide educational opportunities (including how-to articles, tips and training courses).Clipart and templates are also included.All-new tools are included for creating and formatting tables and cells in PowerPoint and Access 2003.Conditional formatting is introduced to Front3.The type library is also extended for better user-experience.Among other improvements, smart tags are also the ones.Better error checking and reports features are now available in Access application for the best results and clients satisfaction.

You can view object dependencies in Access.Access 2003 now supports a backup command for backing your data and important database files.Easy transformation and document customization is now supported by Office applications.New functions and list commands are available in Excel 2003.Voice comments are now supported by Office 2003.New look for documents is available in all applications.Changing the annotation and reviewing for Word documents.Reading layout view is introduced to Word 2003.New interface with customizable menus and toolbars.

All new user-friendly tools, menus, tabs, and features are included for better performance. The interface of Office 2003 is renewed so that you can get the most out of your Office applications. Office 2003 also introduces a new Picture Manager Graphics software through which you can open, edit, manage and share digital images with others. Some of the fascinating and eye-catching features included in the 2013 Office are new collaboration features (using which you can co-author with others), information rights management, you can now use Office Online services, and it’s also includes improved and extended support for SharePoint, smart tags and XML. With the release of Office 2003, Microsoft rolls out some exciting new features. Download MS Office 2003 for free Overview Of MS Office 2003